Monday, October 11, 2010

Video Project: Brainstorming

Here are a couple of preliminary ideas for the video project:

Sports: we can create a video documenting aspects of the different sports played in the first term. This could include, rugby, soccer, track and field, etc. More specifically, we could take the video from a closer perspective to show people what St. Georges sports is about.

Music and Arts: we can film the band playing and the art classes (e.g. ceramics), and edit it to introduce the arts program in the school, as well as highlighting the more unique aspects.

Grad Life: the various aspects of grad life is not very well documented. For example, many people have no idea of what goes on inside the prefect council and their committees. As well, many grads also volunteer in stuff ranging from pizza sells to peer tutoring. This video could explore the school from the grad perspective and shed light to newcomers what their last year is all about.

Of course there are many challenges to be met in these ideas. For example, most first term sports are ending, and many of the games aren't played in the school. As well, it also takes a lot of time to film the concert band or the leadership committee meetings. Since there is obviously limited time, further planning to limit the scope and to storyboard should probably start soon.

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